Ob Illustration, Animation oder graphische Aufzeichnung bei einem Live Event – als erfahrene Zeichnerin und Illustratorin, biete ich meinen Klient*innen eine einzigartige Flexibilität bei der Gestaltung einer eigenen visuellen Strategie. Ich bin zweisprachig aufgewachsen, spreche Englisch und Deutsch, komme aus Irland und habe eine Leidenschaft fürs Zeichnen, für die Umwelt und für mein Fahrrad!


Esther joined us for a number of international conferences. Working with her was fun, but also very focused. Her graphic recordings are exceptional, precise in words, poetic in image.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marc Kirschbaum, Studiengangsleiter Architektur
, Leitung Reallabor STADT-RAUM-BILDUNG
 SRH Hochschule Heidelberg

Esther created visuals for our event, live and on the spot… confirming to attendees that their voice was being heard. We used Esther’s visuals to communicate our mental health messages beyond the conference instead of being inaccessible in a file somewhere. Some groups we work with do not have high literacy levels, so communication in a visual form is important to us. Esther helped us achieve this at the conference and beyond. Thank you Esther!

Mary Kennedy, Health Services Coordinator, HSE

Not only does Esther have an extremely good eye for a lively and attractive visualization. She is able to sort, connect and distill information into clear messages. The graphic recording was a great addition to our conference, while the interactions with Esther were always positive.

Leonie Guskowski, Project Manager TUMI at GIZ